Newlywed goals: Five steps for getting financially organized with your new spouse
It’s a story we hear quite often from newlyweds. One person is ready get their financial lives in order after the wedding, and the other just isn’t all that interested…. …
Investments 101: The skinny on investing
A lot of people hear the word “investing” and their eyes glaze over. They think: “That’s way too complicated”, or “That’s something only wealthy old people do.” Others just have… …
Entrepreneur vs. employee: Three big differences in your personal finances
There are two groups of people in the professional world. You have the entrepreneurs, who create, organize, operate and grow businesses; and the employees, who keep those businesses chugging along… …
Beating the market: Why it doesn’t work
What kind of investor are you? Do you open your monthly account statements, take a quick glance at the first page to see if you made any money, and move… …
Cohabiting: Five ways to align your finances in your relationship
Living together, and unmarried? Join the crowd! More and more couples are holding off on those wedding vows, or scrapping the whole idea of marriage all together. In fact, recent… …
Seven ways flying planes is like preparing for your financial future
What better way to explain the ins and outs of personal finance than by combining two of my own passions: making a positive impact on people’s financial lives, and flying… …
Working parent vs. stay-at-home parent: The financial side
Becoming a new parent is one of the most life-altering moments there is. You go from having to worry about yourself, and keeping all those things you’ve got going on… …
Money Mishaps (Part 4): Racked up the debt because you could
Here we go with the fourth and final millennial money blunder of our series: racking up debt. Now you might be saying, “Oh that’s not me, I always pay my… …
Money Mishaps (Part 3): Underestimated the cost of having a baby
Baby shower season is upon us! Which brings us to our next millennial money blunder: kids and how much money it takes to raise them, especially at the beginning. Everyone… …
Money Mishaps (Part 2): Didn’t save for retirement right after college
It’s time for the next millennial money blunder in our series. Everyone knows saving for retirement is important, right? You hear it all the time, from your parents, in the… …