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Eight times to check in with your financial advisor

Money impacts every life choice we make. Where we live, what we wear, the career we have, what we do with our free time, even what food we eat – money is a part of it all. Which means how you make your financial decisions is very important. For many day-to-day choices, you can simply crunch the numbers on the fly and keep on keeping on. But there are definitely situations when using your financial advisor as a sounding board can give you a lot of peace of mind. This is a relationship business after all. Being ready and able to consult with you when life happens is what we’re here for!

So when should you pick up the phone, send an email or schedule an appointment? Here are eight times to check in with your financial advisor:  

  • Your financial situation changes dramatically. You suddenly have a big increase or decrease in your available money. A few examples are receiving an inheritance, being gifted a lump sum of cash, losing your job, changing career paths, or getting a big promotion.
  • You are going through a huge life change. You hit a big milestone or have an important life event take place. Marriage, divorce, having a baby, a death in your immediate family, buying or selling a house, relocating, or retiring are the biggies.
  • You are getting financially organized. You want to get a financial plan in place, get started saving for retirement, try your hand at investing, or simply would like to get a handle on your already existing financial accounts.
  • You are unsure how to move forward. You may be on the verge of making a big financial decision and need help weighing the pros and cons. Getting an objective opinion can be very helpful, as advice from friends and family may make the decision-making process even harder. A couple things could happen. If your financial advisor agrees with your plan of action, you’ll be able to move forward with confidence. On the other hand, your advisor may offer up another solution you haven’t even considered yet.
  • You could use some extra accountability in your life. Perhaps you set financial goals for yourself and are having trouble making meaningful headway. Knowing your advisor will check with you on your progress at regular intervals can give you that nudge to start making real strides.
  • You need help prioritizing. Most people have multiple financial goals, ranging from things they’d like to accomplish in a year to things that may take decades to achieve. Getting help figuring out what should be made a priority and the reasoning behind it is key.
  • You are ready for someone else to manage your finances. You probably started out handling everything on your own. Now that your priorities have shifted to concentrating on your career, focusing on your family, or growing your business, you are at a point where having a professional take it off your plate is worthwhile.
  • You are feeling financially stressed or overwhelmed. Generally speaking, if you are spending hours on end worrying about your finances, give your financial advisor a call. Again, it’s why we are here! Things crop up in life that may put you in a mental tailspin. Reaching out to your advisor can be just what you need to get back on track.

There are plenty of times when life throws something unexpected your way. Don’t let those things make you feel financially helpless. If you don’t know what to do, ask! Don’t be afraid to reach out anytime you need advice about which route to take with your money. We’re more than happy to help in any way that we can.

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