Financial unwellness: Taking a step back matters
If you’ve been following the blog, you know we’re big believers in making sure your finances are on the right track. Even if you’re not exactly in the perfect spot (most of… …
What’s moving the markets?
Corporate Earnings. Q2 corporate earnings have begun to come out in earnest. While expectations have been lowered heading in, it seems that the markets are already looking to the future… …
Saving for your fun goals
We all have fun goals we dream about: traveling to a new destination, checking off a bucket list item, purchasing something extravagant, or going all out for a special occasion…. …
What’s moving the markets?
Economic strength and consumer resilience. The latest economic data is continuing to underscore the strength of the U.S. economy, which may come as a surprise to many naysayers. Plenty of… …
Healthcare budgeting with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Managing your medical expenses effectively in today’s ever-evolving healthcare landscape is crucial. Healthcare costs continue to climb as an ailing and aging American population drives demand for services. Robust health… …
What’s moving the markets?
AI and uneven market returns. There is no denying that the S&P 500 and Nasdaq have marched higher in the first half of the year. The numbers might be a bit… …
The housing market explained
The housing market continues to be at the forefront of economic conversations. Prospective homebuyers are frustrated. Sellers are watching their homes fly off the market within days. It is a… …
What’s moving the markets?
Economic/market tug of war. The past six months have shown to be frustrating for lasting market returns. The S&P 500 seems to be marking time, range bound between 3700 on… …
Backdoor Roth conversion: Is it the right move for you?
Ever wondered about the mysterious backdoor Roth conversion? While seemingly complex, this retirement savings strategy can be quite useful if you fall into a specific bucket of savers. Let’s demystify… …
What’s moving the markets?
Banks, banks, banks. It has been quite a month, with fears over bank failures and potential systemic issues upsetting both fixed income and equity markets. We do not believe the… …