Money Mishaps (Part 4): Racked up the debt because you could
Here we go with the fourth and final millennial money blunder of our series: racking up debt. Now you might be saying, “Oh that’s not me, I always pay my… …
Money Mishaps (Part 3): Underestimated the cost of having a baby
Baby shower season is upon us! Which brings us to our next millennial money blunder: kids and how much money it takes to raise them, especially at the beginning. Everyone… …
Money Mishaps (Part 2): Didn’t save for retirement right after college
It’s time for the next millennial money blunder in our series. Everyone knows saving for retirement is important, right? You hear it all the time, from your parents, in the… …
Money Mishaps (Part 1): Bought a first house at the wrong time
Welcome to our new blog series about those money blunders of the past. Specifically, the ones that have made us older millennials, who came out of college in the mid-2000’s,… …